Company's Coming!
Having missed out on in-person holiday celebrations for the last two years, Canadians are making up for lost time this season and getting ready to gather. That’s right – company’s coming! Before family and friends make their merry descent, get your home host-ready now with these dusting, mopping and scrubbing essentials:
Happy Halloween!!
Happy Halloween, Witches! ‘Tis the season to be sweeping indoors and out ~ and what better way to say so long to cobwebs, pesky dust bunnies, dirt and debris around the house than with a closet full of reliable brooms designed specifically to get each unique job done right. ‘Fail to plan, plan to fail’ as they say.
septembre 2022 blogue
Avec un léger parfum d’automne dans l’air et le temps des petites laines qui approche à grands pas, le mois de septembre est généralement synonyme d’un retour à la routine pour de nombreuses personnes, ce qui inclut un bon nettoyage en profondeur des maisons, garages, maisons de vacances et espaces extérieurs, en prévision d’une saison ch
Get Ready For Fall
With a hint of Autumn in the air and sweater weather just around the corner, September traditionally signals a sweeping feeling of back-to-routine for many that includes a good, deep clean of our homes, garages, vacation properties and outdoor spaces with a busy and blustery season ahead and cooler temperatures on the horizon.
Introducing the NEW Libman Tornado Spin Mop System!
Introducing the NEW Tornado Spin Mop™ System – the easy-to-use, all-in-one, mop and bucket system!
Voici le NOUVEAU système de vadrouille-essoreuse Tornado de Libman!
Voici le NOUVEAU système de vadrouille-essoreuse Tornado, un système de vadrouille avec seau tout-en-un facile à utiliser!
Dad’s Must-Haves!
No neck ties or coffee cups here! We’re celebrating Dads and Dudes everywhere this month with four terrific tools designed to get ‘er done with precision and ease.